
7 mar 2012

Inspiring post: Hipsteria by PASHÁ

Today I'm so proud to dedicate this post to one of my dearest friends, Leticia Felix (I call her Lets) she is  a very talented Freelance Stylist from the paradise of Merida, located in the Yucatan peninsula. 

She works for PASHA MAGAZINE and her last work really got me, I needed to share it with all my comunity, because it's totally worth it! 

This mix between Prince Lauder (Graphic Artist) and Leticia Felix just blew my mind. I consider her one of the best new stylist in the counrty, congrats friend! you are amazing in style.


Source/Fuente: Pashá Mérida

Styling: Letcia Felix
Ilustration: Prince Láuder
Photography: Pepe Molina

Facebook: Grupo Forcego